Apr 25, 2009

Poster Design as Inspiration

I'm always on the lookout for different sources of inspiration to help keep my designs fresh. This book is pretty awesome. Its called 'New Masters of Poster Design' and is a collaboration of poster design from around the world.

First off, the designs are out of this world. Some of the designs have me wondering, "Woah - what client would ever say 'Yes!' to that!?! Its too crazy!" Its obvious that the designers hired to do this work were given 100% creative freedom.

Secondly, the creative influences in this book are global... and it shows. There's so much variety in the designs. The book exposes you to creative genius that you'd, otherwise, be hard pressed to experience.

Lastly, by nature of poster design, its a completely different format then web or corporate collateral design, at least in this book. Much of the strange formatting used in the posters (which work well for posters) can be used to influence new ideas in formatting web designs or corporate collateral.

All in all, its a great purchase. I purchased it just over 8 months ago and I still take a peak through it once or twice a month as a creative refresher.

Pick it up at Indigo - http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/New-Masters-Poster-Design-Poster-John-Foster/9781592532223-item.html.